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25 June 2020

The future of work is about giving people Autonomy, Authenticity, and hopefully – Happiness

It is getting harder for businesses and their leaders to predict the future. The exponential growth of technology and the pace of innovation are offering huge new opportunities. This leads to substantial challenges for all businesses.

A world of settled routines and procedures is replaced by a new uncertainty and complexity. What we do in our jobs is continually changing. The capacity to identify and define a role has become crucial in this new world.

Empowering People As such, the future of work is about empowering people. It is about facilitating the creativity necessary to innovate constantly. And this means shifting responsibilities downwards from “corporate leaders” to “workers.”

Done right, the future of work is about shifting the work ethic from being in the office (focusing on the workplace) to autonomy, identity, and responsibility (focusing on people).

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Category: Culture

One thought on “The future of work is about giving people Autonomy, Authenticity, and hopefully – Happiness

  • Joanneholley
    on 25 June 2020

    Awesome article. Thanks for sharing


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